Avon RDA Group will be running an in-house show jumping competition on Friday 17th February.
The schedule for this competition has now been finalised and is as follows:
Class 1 SJ Level 1 (walk) on leading rein or with someone walking alongside
Class 2 SJ Level 1 (walk) off leading rein – ridden independently
Class 3 SJ Level 2 (trot) ridden independently
Class 4 SJ Level 3 (canter)
Class 5 Prix Caprilli (dressage + 2 poles on the ground) ridden in walk & trot
Class 6 Prix Caprilli (dressage + 2 raised poles) ridden in walk trot and canter
If you wish to enter, please discuss the most appropriate class with your coach before you enter. We have limited the number of competitors for each class, but may be able to flex numbers between classes depending on demand; if EC Pro does not let you enter - let me know. Other RDA Groups in the Mid West Region have been invited too.
Class entry is £14, with horse hire of £12 for class 1 and 2 and £15 for all others. Please make sure that you book horse hire with your entry.
There will be a chance for some private lessons for riders in Classes 3 – 6 on Thursday morning 16th Feb, but this is unlikely to be available for riders in classes 1 and 2. These will be advertised separately.
Times will be published approximately a week before the competition, or earlier if all classes are full. The day will start at 10ish and finish a little after 3pm.
To Enter the competition Click Here and for help using the booking system click here.