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Centre Update: 16th June 2023

It's been a bit of a scorcher this week, so our riders have spent a lot of time in the woods, keeping cool. We would like to take this opportunity to wish the best of luck to Lauren and Millie, two of our Avon RDA Group riders who are in Germany competing in the Special Olympics. It's such an exciting opportunity and we hope they have a wonderful time.

Thank you Patrick Pinkers

For coming to visit us and for your their kind support in kitting out our horses with a fly rug and fly mask each!

They all look so smart and are now going to be super cool and protected all summer long.

For our riders and volunteers, we have 10% discount cards available to use in store. To claim yours, please ask a member of our yard staff. These will be extremely useful to riders wanting to buy all things horse related, whether it be a riding hat, boots, body protectors or saddle pads.

It's Not Easy Being Green!

But we'd really like to try! To this end we would like to form a Green Working Group to meet regularly at the Centre and discuss ways which we can become more green and work towards being more sustainable. The group is open to everyone, whether you are a participant in our activities, a current volunteer or someone from the community. If you are interested and would like to find out more, please send me an email and we can arrange for a time to meet and discuss further.

Bescoby Are Back!

Bescoby Equine Vets are kindly donating their time and expertise again to help us raise money for the Centre. They will share with us everything we need to know about horses' skin problems and what to do in emergencies when we are waiting for the vet.

The talk will take place on 10/7 at 6pm. There are limited tickets so please secure yours here!

Get your questions ready! All welcome!

Summer Holiday Pony Days!

Summer Holiday Pony Days are BACK! We are running horse and pony activity days every Tuesday and Wednesday commencing on the 25th of July! The day will include activities such as equine management, horse husbandry and ridden trek around our 100 acres, with a 10:00am start and a 16:00pm finish. Make sure to bring a packed lunch and wear suitable clothes for riding. Boots and long trousers are essential! Tuesdays are open to anyone aged between 7 and 13, including those who have not yet received a ridden assessment. Wednesdays are available to pre-existing riders aged between 8 and 15, and can canter off the lead rein. • Sign up to EC Pro - • Bookings calendar -

Price: £60

Combined Success!

Our first Combined Training show was so much fun! Thank you to all the riders and spectators, we hope you had had a great time!

Massive thanks to our volunteers! Without you we couldn't not put on a show like this.

Thank you Sue for judging our dressage and give out the rosettes and prizes from our sponsors: #Happyhorseword #bescobyequinevets #redposteq #redpostequestrian #rachelhawkinsphotography

Pet of the Week!

I have resurrected Pet of the Week this week to show you what a fab job Vic, who is one of our RDA Coaches did painting my cat, Cass! Doesn't he look regal? If you want Pet of the Week to continue, send in your pets!

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