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Weekly Update: 17th March 2023

Easter's fast approaching so don't miss out on our Easter Egg Hunt! Fun for the whole family and prizes!

Eggciting Art Competition

Get involved with our Easter Art Competition! We would like you to draw an egg and decorate it. Submit your decorations to the reception (box with Easter Egg on) by 5/4. Best decoration (chosen by yours truly!) will receive a prize on our "Easter Egg Hunt" day 8/4 at 9:30am. All the decorations will be displayed on our Easter Egg Trail hunt.

More Recycling!

As well as our Bags2Schools recycling (bags available in reception), which will recycle your old (wearable) clothes, we now have a sack in reception for Recycling for Good Causes. They will accept Gold or Silver Jewellery, Watches, Stamps, coins and notes (foreign currency). They will also accept the following electronic devices:

  • Mobile Phones

  • Cameras

  • Video Cameras

  • Sat Navs

  • Electronic Gaming Devices

  • iPod/MP3 Players

  • Tablet Computers

Please remember if you are donating a phone or tablet that you must wipe all your personal date before donating it.

The sack is in reception along with some flyers if you want to take a reminder of what they'll accept.

Your Snow Photos!

Last week we asked you to submit your snow photos and here they are!

Here is Emily's snowman that she made with her brother:

Here's Judith's snowdog! The Photo doesn't show the full magnitude of this 10 inch wonder...

Pet of the Week

This week Beatrice has submitted this handsome chap as pet of the week. Not actually a pet, this lovely deer lives at the Centre, and you'll sometimes see the whole family in a field, or in the carpark first thing in the morning! Submit your pet by email.

Weekly Trivia

And this week in deer related trivia, I would like you to tell me what was the name of Bambi's bunny friend? Answers in the comments!

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